Why major in 物理?

物理 asks the big questions and paves the way for new technologies
物理 is a wide-ranging and fundamental science that asks deep questions about the nature of the physical world.  Physicists seek to understand the origin of the universe, the properties of black holes, and how elementary particles interact to form matter.

物理 is the most basic of all of the sciences, and provides the theoretical framework central to all of the physical and applied sciences.  激光, 核磁共振成像, and high-speed computing are but a few of the technological advances made possible by the applications of the principles of physics.

物理 is good preparation for a wide variety of different careers
Students who major in physics receive broad-based training in science, develop an analytical and creative approach to problem-solving, and become adept at dealing with mathematical models.  This training makes them adaptable to changing situations and is good preparation for a variety of challenging and interesting careers, many of which cross outside the bounds of what you might think of as “physics.”

Employers looking for flexible problem-solvers who can think analytically like to hire physicists, and bachelor’s-degree physicists can expect to earn among the highest salaries in the sciences.

物理 at Trinity

The Trinity 物理 faculty is passionate about teaching physics.  We work hard to incorporate proven teaching methods into our classes.  We offer a broad range of courses which span the discipline, challenge you to think in new ways, and engage you with contemporary ideas and experimental methods.

An important part of our program is the opportunity for undergraduate students to work one-on-one with physics faculty on original research projects, either during the semester or over the summer.  Many research students present their work at the annual Trinity Science Symposium; some even become authors on papers published in scientific peer-reviewed journals.

Be part of a community
The small size of the department fosters a close relationship between faculty and students.  Students and faculty connect through teaching and research, clubs and activities.

Many of our students get the chance to deepen their understanding of physics and develop their teaching skills by working alongside faculty as Teaching Assistants and Laboratory Assistants.

物理 seminar speakers present interesting current research at a level accessible to undergraduate students.

Society of 物理 Students
The Trinity chapter of the national Society of 物理 Students welcomes any student with an interest in physics.  You don’t have to be a major!  Our chapter is a three-time winner of the SPS Outstanding Chapter Award for its outreach work with local middle schools.

Success after Trinity

About two-thirds of our majors go on to advanced degree programs in a wide variety of fields including chemistry, electrical and mechanical engineering, 法律, 计算机科学, 地球物理学, 医学, 医学物理学, and theoretical and experimental physics.

Our students are accepted at highly-rated graduate schools such as Harvard, 康奈尔大学, Yale School of Medicine, Imperial College London, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Connecticut, University of Michigan, 布朗大学, Boston College Law School, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Maryland, and Duke University.

A Place for 物理

Students have the chance to learn by doing.



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